Overview of Key Differences Between CORENET 2 System and CORENET X Submission Portal
Use of ES Pro for preparation of submission | Fully web-based without any need to download any application |
Mainly catering for activities and submissions done by QPs | Other than submissions by QPs, the following activities will also be covered in CORENET X:
Note: The following project members are now required to login and use CORENET X:
Only QPs are able to add Assistants | All project members can add Assistants & control their access to the projects |
Under the respective Act and Regulations, a Project member (e.g. Qualified Person) needs to be appointed by the relevant parties (e.g. Developer) to carry out the necessary work (e.g. prepare and make submission) or supervise the carrying out of work.
The appointment process is done outside the system and usually involves the use of wet-ink signature | The appointment of project members will be fully digital under CORENET X Note: In order to assist the developer with the appointment, Project Coordinator needs to be clear on the involvement of the various professionals in the project. |
QPs need to use the relevant application form to make submission to the relevant department in the agency. | Project members will provide the necessary information and application they are looking for and the system will auto-populate the forms to be used. Some applications (e.g. plan application at the respective Gateway, permit application) are joint submission involving more than 1 party. Note: For joint submission, it is important that there is a lead QP coordinating the submission. The system will assume the member who initiate the submission to be the coordinator (submission coordinator). |
QPs make submissions in silos and other members are not aware of each other’s actions. | All members can view submissions made under the project. For joint submission, in the event that there is an application for amendment, relevant project members will be notified. |
For submissions that involve fees, the agency may return or reject the application if payment is not made within a stipulated time. | Under CORENET X, payment is part of the application process. Note: Payment has to be made before the application can be submitted to Agencies. |
Application fees for each agency is to be made separately under each agency’s stipulated system. Some agencies only provide receipt upon request. | Application fees can be made under CORENET X portal. Receipt can be downloaded after payment is made. Note: For any refund needed, requests should be made directly to the agency and be coordinated offline. |
Project team needs to coordinate the payment arrangement offline. | Project members can forward the payment link to the relevant party for follow up. |
Responses from the authorities are digitally signed and encrypted. | Responses from the authorities will be digitally signed without encryption. This is to provide ease of access for all members. |