External Works


Note that External Works is undergoing further refinements. More updates will be released in future COP versions.

  • Under CORENET X, the QP has to submit the proposed external works to the LTA, NParks and PUB for a coordinated regulatory review. To guide the industry in preparing their external works submissions at the various gateways, the agencies have worked together to map their regulatory objectives and requirements. Due care was taken to ensure that:
    • There are no direct conflicts in the rules between the agencies.
    • Various components of the road typology is holistically reviewed by the respective agencies within the same gateway.
  • External works details can be submitted in the 2D CAD format.

Note: The submission format for proposed works within the development boundary shall follow the prevailing BIM submission requirements. Design >proposals for external works can be submitted in 2D (CAD). Notwithstanding, agencies are open to reviewing infrastructure models prepared in 3D.


External Works

Agency2D Plan Representation / Templates
  • LTA will provide drawing templates for various plans (e.g. traffic, alignment, site plan, profile, section/details) to guide QPs in preparing design details.
  • Example: S3 – Fig 1 (right): Part of a road layout template for various common road infrastructure facilities.
Example Image
  • QPs can refer to NParks’ handbook (see right S3 – Fig 2) for required information to facilitate development application assessment and approval.
Example Image
  • PUB has published quick guides with sample illustrations outlining required information for QPs’ submissions.
Example Image


Note: The submission format for proposed works within the development boundary shall follow the prevailing BIM submission requirements. Design proposals for external works can be submitted in 2D (CAD). Notwithstanding, agencies are open to reviewing infrastructure models prepared in 3D.

Development (Internal) and External Works
  • Under CORENET X, LTA, NParks, and PUB require:
    • Proposed works within the development boundary
    • Proposed external works to be submitted as a single package across the regulatory gateways to ensure that both works are well coordinated.
  • For LTA:
    1. Works within the development boundary pertain to:
      • Vehicle parking layout/Bicycle parking lots
      • Layout of pick-up/drop-off (PUDO) points
      • Internal driveways
      • EV charging infrastructure
    2. External works pertain to works within the road reserve, such as:
      • Street improvement works
      • Commuter facilities
      • Active mobility infrastructure
PUDO Layout
Road Infra Improvement
Interfacing Aspects to be Cleared as Part of Development (Internal) Works
  1. It is common for a development to propose connections (serving various users such as motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, etc.) from within the development leading to the surrounding road network. These connections form interfaces at the development boundary. Such interfaces have to be well coordinated to ensure that the development platform level ties in properly with the existing roads. For new roads proposed in conjunction with development(s), the vertical profile of the roads (designed to comply with LTA design requirements) has to be established before other development interfacing details are considered. Additionally, interfaces usually demarcate the extent of maintenance ownership between the developer and the State.
  2. The layout and cross-sections of interfaces between the development boundary and the road reserve shall be clearly reflected in the external works design proposal.
S/NLTA and NParks Interfacing Aspects
1Vehicular Access Points
2Pedestrian Access Points
3Cyclist Access
4Covered Linkway/Walkway Connections
5Pedestrian Overhead Bridge Connections
6Pedestrian Underpass Connections
7Bus Stops (If directly interfacing with the development building)
8Taxi Stands (If directly interfacing with the development building)
9Vertical Profile of New Street (If proposal involves construction of a new street or widening of existing roads)
S/NPUB Interfacing Aspects
1Connection of internal drain to road drain/drain outlet
2MPL, adjacent road/ground level, and outlet discharge point levels
3Point of proposed sewer connection




Interfacing Aspects to be cleared as part of Development (Internal) Works

LTA considers the following as interfacing aspects:

S/NInterfacing AspectRemarks
1Vehicular Access Points
Vehicular Access Top ViewVehicular Access Cross Section View

Vehicular accesses have a significant impact on the development layout and have to be coordinated with the proposed Minimum Platform Level imposed.


S3 – Fig 7 (top): Plan view of an access
S3 – Fig 8 (bottom): Cross-section view of an access

2Pedestrian Access Points
Pedestrian Access Top ViewPedestrian Access Cross Section View

Pedestrian accesses have to be designed with respect to the internal layout and the external amenities of interest to development users.


S3 – Fig 9 (top): Plan view of pedestrian access interfacing with footpath & cycling path (with sight visibility triangle)
S3 – Fig 10 (middle): Plan view of pedestrian access interfacing with a shared path (with sight visibility triangle)
S3 – Fig 11 (bottom): Cross-section of a pedestrian access interfacing with a footpath

3Cyclist Accesses (Please refer to typical section and plan view in S/N 4)

Cyclist accesses have to be designed with respect to internal bicycle parking facilities and the surrounding road network. One of the important design issues is the provision of adequate sight distance at the development accesses and inner radius of road bends.

4Covered Linkways (At grade connections between the development and road reserve)
Covered Linkways Top ViewCovered Linkways Cross Section View

Covered linkways have to be designed with respect to the internal layout and the external amenities of interest to development users.


S3 – Fig 12 (left): Roof plan of a sheltered walkway interfacing with an existing covered linkway (within the road reserve)
S3 – Fig 13 (right): Cross-section of a sheltered walkway interfacing with an existing covered linkway (within the road reserve)

5Pedestrian Overhead Bridges (POBs) (Elevated connections between the development and road reserve)
Pedestrian Overhead Bridges (POBs) Top ViewPedestrian Overhead Bridges (POBs) Cross Section View

Direct linkages between POBs and developments have to be designed to ensure that the levels of the POB and development can match.


S3 – Fig 14 (left): Plan view of an elevated walkway interfacing with an existing POB (within the road reserve)
S3 – Fig 15 (right): Cross-section of an elevated walkway interfacing with an existing POB (within the road reserve)

6Pedestrian Underpasses (PUPs) (Subterranean connections between the development and road reserve)Direct linkages between PUPs and developments have to be designed to ensure that the levels of the PUP and development can match.
7Bus Stops (If directly interfacing with the development)Interfacing (if any) between bus stops and developments have to be co-ordinated.
8Taxi Stands (If directly interfacing with the development)Interfacing (if any) between taxi stands and developments have to be co-ordinated.
9Covered WalkwaysCovered walkways have to be designed in relation to the open walkways for barrier-free access.
10Vertical Profile of New Street (If the proposal involves the construction of a new street and / or widening of existing roads)It is important to establish the vertical profile of the new street / widened street, which determines all other interfacing aspects, such as development platform levels, drainage levels, access levels, as well as the levels of any existing structures (while complying with the current design requirements).
Clearances and Conditional Approvals
  1. LTA will issue a Layout Plan Clearance (Street & Parking) at the Design Gateway (G1), as well as a Street Plan Clearance and Vehicle Parking Building Plan Clearance at the Construction Gateway (G2), when both the proposed works within the development boundary and external works are designed in accordance with the prevailing standards.
  2. In a scenario where the proposed works within the development boundary are in order, whereas the external works are still under review, LTA may issue separate Layout Plan and Street Plan Approvals, for internal and external works. For LTA to issue a conditional approval, all interfacing aspects shown within the external works proposal must be designed in accordance with the prevailing standards.
  3. The approvals for internal works granted by LTA once the interfacing aspects have been agreed, will help to expedite the clearance and completion of the projects, notwithstanding the requirement for combined submission under CORENET X. QPs are required to follow up and obtain the agencies’ full external works clearances, before advancing to the next regulatory gateway.
Example Scenario 1 and 2

Note that External Works is undergoing further refinements. More updates will be released in future COP versions.

Key GatewaysObjectiveRoad alignment details to be prepared (other details to be prepared and submitted as required)Supporting Information required
Pre-DG (Land Use, TCOT, PAFS, TIA)To establish RRL and development boundary
  1. Horizontal alignment
  2. Junction layout
  3. Commuter facilities
  4. Cycling path
  5. Road typology
  6. Development access
  7. RRL / ADR
  1. Topo survey
  2. Traffic study / TIA
Pre-Submission, Planning and Other ConsultationsTo seek clarifications for details to be submitted at DG stageAs required by Agency / QP to seek clarification from LTA
  1. Traffic study / TIA
Design Gateway (G1)To establish development platform level and development access that will properly interface with the proposed carriageway
  1. All details as per Pre-DG Stage
  2. Development access levels to tie in with development platform level
  3. Road vertical profile* (applicable to new streets and widening of existing carriageways)
  4. Cross-section and details plan
  5. Tree affected plan
  6. Layout of retaining wall
  7. Extent of proposed cut / fill slopes with existing ground level including impact on existing trees
  8. Layout of drains, sumps and box culvert including drain top level and invert level
  9. Layout of major structural works that will affect the road vertical and horizontal alignment
  10. Layout for Commuter Facilities (e.g. bus stop, covered linkways, POB)*
  11. Layout of Active Mobility Infrastructure (i.e. cycling path)
  12. Layout of street elements (e.g. lamppost, traffic schemes) that need to be modified (Applicable for existing streets)
  1. Topo survey
  2. Utilities / services plan
Piling Gateway (G1.5) (Optional)Piling gateway also includes earth retaining structures (slope, retaining wall, CBP etc.) within the road reserve--
Construction Gateway (G2)To finalise all other details necessary for construction of the road and related infrastructure works
  1. All details as per DG stage
  2. Details for access points*
  3. Geotechnical details for foundation works, retaining wall, slope etc.
  4. Structural details for road structures and roadside features e.g. POB, drain, box culvert, sump etc.
  5. Architectural & Engineering details for Commuter Facilities (structural and foundation details)*
Independent SubmissionsTo finalise individual agency requirements after construction gateway that do not have any impact on other agencies requirementsApproval to commence engineering works/restricted activities within the Railway Protection Zone-

* These aspects include (the necessary) interfacing works with the internal layout. Proposed interfacing works should be submitted as part of the external works design proposal and cleared in tandem with internal layout.

LTA’s External Works Requirements


  • To establish development platform level and development access that will properly interface with the proposed carriageway
  • Requirements for Road Infrastructure and Vehicle Access

Vehicular Access Points

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • To indicate the road level, entrance culvert level, and the proposed development platform level.
  • For new roads proposed in conjunction with development(s), to develop the development platform level and proposed levels of the development access points based on the vertical alignment of the proposed carriageway (before QP confirms on the development platform level for the design of the foundation / structural works).
  • To show the gradient of entrance approach.
  • To indicate the configuration of the proposed access.
  • To indicate the width and turning radius of the proposed access.
  • To indicate the provision of tactile tiles.
  • To indicate any proposed relocation of existing road elements, such as trees, lamp posts, signs, etc., which may be affected by proposed access.

Layout of Proposed Frontage Improvement Works

  • To determine the extent of improvement works required along the road sidetable, such as conversion of open drain to covered drain cum footpath, setting back of drain for development affected by RRL.
  • To indicate the proposed footpath width, level, and its gradient.
  • To determine the extent of improvement works required along the road carriageway, such as localised road widening etc.
  • To relocate any existing manholes located on the future carriageway.
  • To check if additional street lightings are required.
  • To vest the Street Reserve Plot in State (except for A&A proposal).

Design of New Street (incl. Modifications to Existing Streets)

  • To indicate all details determined during the planning consultation stage, and clearly list down the design changes from TCOT / land use stage.
  • To identify and declare all non-compliances to design standards.
  • To submit the road alignment and junction layout plan.
  • To develop and submit the horizontal alignment and vertical profile of the proposed carriageway (new or widening / realignment of existing carriageway) connecting to the existing junction / carriageway. The horizontal alignment includes the superelevation along the road bends.
  • To show the drainage layout plan (drain, box culvert and sump) and the drainage vertical profile, drain top level and invert level in the profile / longitudinal section drawing.
  • To show the extent of cut / fill slopes with existing ground level and indicate the impact on existing trees (identify trees to be felled, retained etc.).
  • To show the location and layout of commuter facilities and major structural works that will affect the road vertical and horizontal alignment in the plan view, longitudinal section drawing and cross-section drawing.
  • To show the extent of retaining wall to be provided (within or abutting the RRL) in the layout plan, and the layout and height of the retaining wall in the longitudinal section plan and cross-section drawings.
  • To show the tree affected plan (trees to be felled, retained etc.).
  • To show cross-section details of the proposed typology of road sidetable and roadside features and structures (POB, linkway, bus-stop, drain, box-culvert etc.).
  • To relocate any existing manholes located on the future carriageway.
  • To seek waiver for retention of existing manhole on future road carriageway, cycling path and footpath, if any.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • To develop the development platform level and proposed levels of the development access points based on the vertical alignment of the proposed carriageway (before developer confirms on the development platform level for the design of the foundation / structural works).
  • To show the extent of retaining wall to be provided (within or abutting the RRL) in the layout plan, and the layout and height of the retaining wall in the longitudinal section plan and cross-section drawings.
  • Requirements for Commuter Facilities

Layout of Covered Linkway / High Covered Linkway

  • To show the proposed layout i.e. alignment, width, and headroom of the covered linkway / high covered linkway.
  • To show the location where the covered linkway connects with the existing bus shelter, and identify any existing bus features such as noticeboards, seats affected by the linkway connection, which would have an impact on the layout of the covered linkway.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • For covered linkways connecting to within the development site, to submit layout plans and section details at the interface, showing the RRL, alignment, floor levels, and headroom.
  • To delineate the portion of linkway to be maintained by developer. Handed over to LTA for management.

POB Layout

  • To show the proposed alignment, width, and headroom (min 5.7m), of the POB.
  • To establish the column size and position within / outside the road reserve. Min. lateral clearance from the road shall be provided.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • Where the POB connects to within the development site, to submit layout plans and section details at the interface, showing the RRL, alignment, floor levels, and headroom.
  • To delineate the portion of POB to be maintained by developer / handed over to LTA for management.

Pedestrian Underpass Layout

  • To submit cross-section details showing the overburden i.e. depth of UPN from road levels.
  • To show the proposed alignment, width, ceiling height / headroom, of the UPN.
  • To ensure that the provision of lifts / escalators / staircase is adequate.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • To submit layout plans and section details at the interface, where the UPN connects to within the development site.
  • To delineate the portion of UPN to be maintained by developer / handed over to LTA for management.

Layout of Bus Stop

  • To show the location of the bus stop.
  • To show the position, and dimensions of the bus bay / bus box.
  • To show the proposed location, alignment, and dimensions of the bus shelter.
  • To indicate the location of the bus pole.
  • To relocate existing manhole located on the future bus bay, if any.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • For bus stops directly integrating with the development infrastructure, to submit layout plans and sectional details of the bus shelter and bus bay / bus box.

Layout of Taxi Shelter

  • To show the proposed layout of the taxi stand indicating the location of the taxi shelter, width, and length of the taxi bay.
  • To relocate existing manhole located on the future taxi bay, if any.

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • For taxi shelters directly integrating with the development infrastructure, to submit layout plans and sectional details of the taxi shelter.
  • Requirements for Active Mobility Infrastructure

Cycling Path Layout

  • To show the proposed layout, width, and alignment of the cycling path.
  • To indicate the gradient of cycling path if it is steeper than 1:25.
  • To determine if widening of existing pedestrian crossing is required.
  • To determine if additional lightings are required.

  • To finalise all other details necessary for construction of the road and related infrastructure works
  • Requirements for Road Infrastructure and Vehicle Access

Vehicular Access Point Details

Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

  • To reflect the details presented at Design Gateway (G1) Stage.
  • To show the structural details of entrance culvert at access points i.e., reinforcement, connection to entrance approach etc.
  • To indicate the position of the ‘Stop’ line and ‘Stop’ sign (if required).
  • To indicate the position of the ‘1-way’ arrow (if required).
  • To show that any redundant accesses are sealed and reinstated to match the existing side-table.

Details of External Works (Frontage Improvement Works)

  • To reflect all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.
  • To submit the Traffic Plan.
  • To submit the street plan and cross-section details showing the proposed levels, width and cross-fall of carriageway, planting verge and footpath.
  • To clearly specify the size of proposed cross-culverts, and establish maintenance agreements with the relevant agencies (for cross-culverts less than 2m wide, to seek concurrent clearance with PUB Drainage).
  • To submit the streetlighting plan (if applicable).

Details of Side Table Modifications for Addition of Auxiliary Lanes, U-turns etc.

  • To incorporate all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.
  • To submit the Traffic Plan.
  • To submit the street plan, clearly indicating the layout plan, longitudinal section and cross-section details, such as the proposed levels, width and cross-fall of carriageway, planting verge and footpath.
  • To clearly specify the size of proposed cross-culverts, and establish maintenance agreements with the relevant agencies (for cross-culverts less than 2m wide, to seek concurrent clearance with PUB Drainage).
  • To submit the streetlighting plan (if applicable).

Details of New Street (incl. Modifications to Existing Streets)

  • To incorporate all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.
  • To submit the Traffic Plan.
  • To submit the street plans, clearly indicating the layout plan, longitudinal section, and cross-section details.
  • To submit geotechnical details for foundation, retaining wall, slope (if any).
  • To submit structural and M&E details for road structures and associated commuter facilities.
  • To submit the street lighting plan.

Street Works Deposit

  • For private developments with proposed major road infrastructure works (e.g., new streets, major improvement of an existing street, POB, UPN), to determine, and furnish the amount to be deposited with LTA for the execution and completion of the proposed street works.
  • Requirements for Commuter Facilities

Detailed Architectural / Structural Layout, and M&E Provisions of Covered Linkways

  • To reflect all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.

    Architectural Details

    • To submit the ‘Architectural Checklist for Covered Linkways’.
    • To ensure that the proposed architectural design complies with the architectural requirements listed within the checklist.
    • For covered linkways connecting/interfacing with bus stops, to provide details of connection/bus stops, e.g., relocation of bus shelter elements.

    Structural Details

    • To provide structural details (i.e., column width, footing), materials.
    • To establish the column size and position within the road reserve.
    • To determine if column footing will impact the top slab of the box drain, and coordinate (with PUB).

    M&E Details

    • To submit the ‘M&E Checklist for Bus Shelter, Taxi/Passenger Pick-Up Shelter, Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB), and Covered Linkway’.
    • To ensure that the proposed design complies with the M&E requirements listed in the checklist.

    Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

    • For covered linkways connecting to within the development site, to provide details of connection/interfaces with development.

Note: Refer to LTA’s Infrastructure Design Criteria, M&W Specification, Architectural Design Checklist for Covered Linkways, and M&E Checklist for a full list of requirements/detailed descriptions.

Detailed Structural Layout, and M&E Provisions of Pedestrian Overhead Bridges

  • To reflect all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.

    Architectural & Structural Details

    • To submit the architectural checklist for the Pedestrian Overhead Bridge.
    • To ensure that the proposed architectural design complies with the architectural requirements listed within the checklist.
    • To provide structural details of POB (i.e., column width, footing).

    M&E Details

    • To submit the ‘M&E Checklist for Bus Shelter, Taxi/Passenger Pick-Up Shelter, Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB), and Covered Linkway’.
    • To ensure that the proposed M&E lighting design complies with the M&E requirements listed in the checklist.

    Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

    • For POBs connecting to within the development site, to provide details of connection/interfaces with development, in accordance to the guidelines listed in the checklist.
    • To determine and advise possible road closure due to hoisting of link bridges.

Note: Refer to LTA’s Infrastructure Design Criteria, M&W Specification, Architectural Design Checklist for Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB), and M&E Checklist for a full list of requirements/detailed descriptions.

Detailed Structural Layout, and M&E Provisions of Bus Shelters

  • To reflect all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.

    Architectural & Structural Details

    • To submit architectural checklist for pedestrian underpass.
    • To ensure that the proposed architectural design complies with the architectural requirements listed within the checklist.
    • To provide structural details of bus shelter, seating arrangement, bus info panels etc.
    • To provide bollard and flooring details.
    • For covered linkways connecting/interfacing with bus stops, to provide details of connection/bus stops, e.g., relocation of bus shelter elements.

    M&E Details

    • To submit the ‘M&E Checklist for Bus Shelter, Taxi/Passenger Pick-Up Shelter, Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB), and Covered Linkway’.
    • To ensure that the proposed M&E lighting design complies with the M&E requirements listed in the checklist.

    Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

    • For bus stops directly integrating with the development infrastructure, to submit layout plans and sectional details of the bus shelter and bus bay/bus box.

    Other Requirements

    • To submit the Traffic Plan.
    • To confirm the need of temporary bus stop provision and its position.
    • To confirm the relocation date and commissioning of the new bus stop.

Detailed Layout of Taxi Shelter

  • To reflect all details presented at Design Gateway (G1) stage.

    Architectural & Structural Details

    • To submit Traffic Plan.
    • To submit architectural plans and section details for the taxi shelter.
    • To submit architectural checklist for the taxi shelter.
    • To provide structural details of taxi shelter, seating arrangement, etc.
    • To provide bollard and flooring details.
    • To provide details of lighting provisions and M&E provisions (if any).
    • Taxi pole.

    M&E Details

    • To submit the ‘M&E Checklist for Bus Shelter, Taxi/Passenger Pick-Up Shelter, Pedestrian Overhead Bridge (POB), and Covered Linkway’.
    • To ensure that the proposed M&E lighting design complies with the M&E requirements listed in the checklist.

    Connections and Interfaces at Development Boundary

    • For taxi stands directly integrating with the development infrastructure, to submit layout plans and sectional details of the taxi stand and bay.
    • To confirm the need of temporary taxi provision and its position.




Note that External Works is undergoing further refinements. More updates will be released in future COP versions.

Key GatewaysObjectiveDetails to be prepared
(other details to be prepared and submitted as required)
Supporting Information Required
Pre-DG (Land Use, TCOT, PAFS, TIA)
  • To ensure RRL can accommodate standard roadside tables and additional commuter infrastructure
  • To conserve specific roadside trees
  • To ensure existing/proposed park/park connector is safeguarded
  • Width of Road Reserve (incl. planting verge within side table)
  • Proposed road alignment
  • Proposed cycling path alignment as safeguarded on SDCP under MP19
  • If applicable:
    • URA/MND's conveyance on Form B
    • EIA report
    • EMMP
    • Wildlife management plan
  • Topo Survey (if applicable)
Pre-Submission, Planning and Other Consultations
  • To clarify how proposal may affect roadside verges and trees, and/or existing/proposed parks/park connectors
  • To advise on greenery provisions and tree conservation
  • Proposal with safeguarded RRL and indicative entrance position and road alignment
  • Proposal with Walking & Cycling Plan
  • If applicable:
    • URA/MND's conveyance on Form B
    • EIA report
    • EMMP
    • Wildlife management plan
  • Topo Survey Plan
Design Gateway (G1)
  • To secure greenery provisions and to comment on conservation of trees (may require Certified Arborist report)
  • To assess impact to existing, or safeguard provision of new, park/park connector
  • Standard roadside greenery provision (especially new roads)
  • Spatial provision (width and depth) for greenery at Covered Linkways/Pedestrian Overhead Bridge
  • Conservation of trees/plants (e.g., heritage trees)
  • Entrance position and access point location
  • New Parks/Park connector/Promenade
  • Topo Survey Plan
  • Arborist report
  • Services detection plan
  • Photos of existing trees (if not in Arborist report)
Piling Gateway (G1.5) (Optional)---
Construction Gateway (G2)
  • To ensure dimensions of green verges are compliant with standard requirements/accepted by NParks at Design Gateway (G1)
  • Dimensions of green verges compliant with standard requirements
  • Landscaping scheme for roadside greenery by Applicant
Independent Submissions
  • To finalise details on roadside tree planting and landscaping works, as well as transplanting works
  • Reinstatement works for green verge (without tree planting)
  • Landscaping scheme for roadside greenery undertaken by NParks
  • Planting Requirements for Covered Linkways/Pedestrian Overhead Bridge
  • Dimensions (length, width) of green verges
  • Specifications for trellis planting, green roof, planter boxes

Useful Link(s):

NParks' Guidelines

NParks Flora and Fauna Web

NParks’ External Works Requirements


  • To secure greenery provisions and to comment on conservation of trees (may require Certified Arborist report, e.g. recommendations pertaining to works near to, but may not be directly impacting trees)
  • To assess impact to existing, or safeguard provision of new, park / park connector
Requirements Supporting Documents

Conservation of Trees

  • To conserve trees identified:
    • In Technical Conditions of Tender (TCOT)
    • As Heritage Trees
    • Through nature group / public / residents engagement
    • In Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) etc.
Arborist report (Please refer to NParks’ Guidelines [Chapter 2])

Green Verges

  • To provide green verges (consisting of tree planting and service verges) for street work proposals relating to development works and for new road services according to the road category.
  • To locate fire engine accessways outside green verges.
  • Road and Commuter Infrastructure
    • To comply with greenery provision for covered linkways, bus shelters, pedestrian overhead bridges, depressed road portals, road viaducts/flyovers and retaining walls etc. according to NParks’ Guidelines (Chapter 4).
  • Entrance Culvert Position (at Vehicular Access Points)
    • To ensure splay corners do not affect green verge provision and roadside trees.

Biodiversity Impact Assessment (under URA’s Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] framework)

  • Applicable to sites that fall within the EIA Framework but were not identified at Planning Stage (Pre-DG).
  • Environmental Consultation
    • QP (Arch / PEs) or Consultant to submit the environmental consultation form (Form A) to URA and Technical Agencies (e.g. NEA, NParks, MPA, SFA).
    • Details of project entities (Developer, Qualified Person and Main Contractor) as stated in Form A are provided.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
    • If determined during environmental consultation that an environmental study is needed, QP (Arch / PEs) or Consultant can consult on environmental baseline study and scoping of EIA.
    • QP (Arch / PEs) or Consultant to ensure that EIA report (for projects that have cleared environmental assessment at planning stage) are submitted for acceptance.

  • To ensure dimensions of green verges are compliant with standard requirements / accepted by NParks at Design Gateway (G1)
Requirements Supporting Documents

Conservation of Trees

  • To conserve trees identified:
    • In Technical Conditions of Tender (TCOT)
    • As Heritage Trees
    • Through nature group / public / residents engagement
    • In Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) etc.
Arborist report (Please refer to NParks’ Guidelines [Chapter 2])

Provision of Green Verges

  • To ensure dimensions of green verges are compliant with NParks' Guidelines (Chapter 3) or as approved by NParks during Design Gateway (G1).

Interfacing Aspects (from within Development Boundary)

  • To show layouts and cross-sections of interfaces in external works design proposal.

Applicable to sites not requiring Piling Gateway (G1.5) approval

Applicable to sites requiring Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP) / Wildlife Management Plan prior to commencement of works:

  • Detailed EMMP report (provided by Main Contractor).
  • Acceptance letter from NParks prior to site clearance (if applicable).

  • To finalise details on roadside tree planting and landscaping works, as well as transplanting works
Requirements Supporting Documents

Planting Scheme (Outside Development Boundary)

  • To show location, number, and species of existing and proposed trees/shrubs for green verges and planter troughs along pedestrian overhead bridges/road viaducts/flyovers.




Note that External Works is undergoing further refinements. More updates will be released in future COP versions.

Key GatewaysObjectiveDetails to be prepared
(other details to be prepared and submitted as required)
Supporting Information Required
Pre-DG (Land Use, TCOT, PAFS, TIA)
  • To establish development boundary, any Drainage Reserve (DR), drain size for affected/proposed public drain and sewer connection, water pipe diversion requirements
  • Site plan overlay with PUB Services Plans (Drainage Interpretation Plan, Sewerage Information Plan and Water Service Plan)
  • Showing the drainage reserves or land reserved for future drainage schemes
  • Location and alignment of public sewers or pumping mains
  • Approximate position of the water mains and raw water mains in the vicinity of the development
  • Site plan with drainage, sewerage and water main information
  • Sewer discharge quantity
  • Water demand
Pre-Submission, Planning and Other Consultations
  • To seek clarifications for details to be submitted at Design Gateway (G1) stage

Key evaluation areas include:

  • Any storm water drainage works, erection or placement of any structures or object in, above or across any drain or drainage reserve
  • Any temporary structure/works/services over, across or adjacent to any drain or storm water drainage system
  • Any proposed realignment of Drainage Reserve or Drainage Reserve to be set aside and vested to State
  • Any works which could affect any public sewers/sewerage system or public drains including common drains directly or indirectly
  • Any buildings or structures to be erected over, across or adjacent to any public sewerage system
  • Proposed connection of the development/premises to the public sewers/sewerage system
  • Architectural/Engineering drawings
  • Topo Survey Plan
Design Gateway (G1)
  • To establish MPL requirements
  • To assess proposed works affecting drainage (e.g., management of maximum allowable peak runoff, discharge point of internal drains) and linkages to underground Special Facilities (e.g., Rapid Transit System)
  • To assess proposed works affecting sewer (e.g., capacity, setback, sewer connection, alignment and size for diversions)

Key evaluation areas include:

  • Any storm water drainage works, erection or placement of any structures or object in, above or across any drain or drainage reserve
  • Any temporary structure/works/services over, across or adjacent to any drain or storm water drainage system
  • Any proposed realignment of Drainage Reserve or Drainage Reserve to be set aside and vested to State
  • Any works which could affect any public sewers/sewerage system or public drains including common drains directly or indirectly
  • Any buildings or structures to be erected over, across or adjacent to any public sewerage system
  • Proposed connection of the development/premises to the public sewers/sewerage system
  • Architectural/Engineering drawings
  • Topo Survey Plan
Piling Gateway (G1.5) (Optional)
  • Prior to commencement of piling works, QP/PE shall obtain approval for relevant works (works requiring Earth Control Measures, specified activities within water and sewer pipe corridor)
  • Details of specified activities within water and sewer pipe corridor
  • Temporary works affecting drains, within drainage reserve, etc. where applicable as listed under "Independent Submissions"
  • Engineering drawings
  • Topo Survey Plan
  • Method Statement
  • Engineering calculations
  • PE endorsed reports

PUB’s External Works Requirements


  • To assess whether the proposed drainage and sewerage works are in compliance with broad planning parameters (e.g. maximum allowable peak runoff, sewer setback, connection to public sewer etc.)
Requirements Supporting Documents

Peak Run Off

  • Key Objective: To demonstrate how this is catered for, area is set aside for detention tank provision, location, OR drain widening.
  • Calculation of peak run off factor (C value) max. 0.55 (based on code and chart) e.g. area of development of greenfield site.

Roadside Drain Capacity

  • For projects where drains need to be rebuilt/entrance culvert. PUB to provide required capacity during Pre-Submission consultation.
  • Size of new culvert (will be advised by PUB).
  • Public Drains - Drain Size and Location.

Sewer Connection

  • Connection Point – where the proposed location is.

Sewerage System

  • Alignment of Sewers, Dimensions, Gradient.

Drainage Reserve

  • Location (align to DIP), width.

Requirements Supporting Documents

Pre-Condition CCTV of Sewers (advisable)

Can be provided at Piling Gateway (G1.5) or Construction Gateway (G2)

  • Condition to be checked at TOP stage.
  • Project team to rectify if cracks/damage are identified.

  • To evaluate the detailed plans showing the proposed drainage (e.g. upgrading, new construction) and sewerage works (e.g. sewer diversion)
Requirements Supporting Documents

Public Drains (External)

  • Details of Roadside Drains based on PUB’s requirements.

Public Sewerage System (External)

  • Details of Sewerage System based on PUB’s requirements.

  • To evaluate the detailed plans showing the proposed drainage (e.g. upgrading, new construction) and sewerage works (e.g. sewer diversion)
Requirements Supporting Documents
  • Site plans, water reticulation schematic / layout drawing of WSI design works and water requirements.
  • Specified activities within water pipe corridor.
  • Earth Control Measures (ECM) Plan.
  • Details of temporary works affecting drainage / within drainage reserve.
  • Details and scope of works on manholes and sewers.
  • Specified activities within sewer corridor.
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