Infrastructure Works

Infrastructure Works

Other than building projects, our built environment involves infrastructure projects supporting the various needs for our population. While similar, infrastructure projects face different sets of challenges from building projects.  This section aims to guide the industry through the regulatory approval for infrastructure works.


Infrastructure works can be grouped into different categories: 


The relevance of Design Gateway (in terms of the number of agencies involved) depends on various factors:​

  • The nature of the works​
  • The site condition and extent of infrastructure works​
  • Pre-submission consultations that might have taken place earlier​

For instance, for a development agency (such as JTC and HDB) carrying out precinct level infrastructure works to prepare the site for future developments, regulatory agencies such as LTA, PUB and NParks would be involved in the Design Gateway to align the various aspects such as the alignment of roads, drains, green verge, platform level etc.

On the other hand, in the case of an underground railway tracks, fewer agencies would be involved as advance works such as drain diversion and falling of trees would have been carried out earlier as part of site preparation.

In gist. the Design Gateway and 3 gateway submission workflow remains relevant and viable to accommodate the range of infrastructure works​. Depending on the works involved, the extent of Design Gateway varies.


The below table summarises the type of approvals required by the key regulatory agencies.

Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. If clarifications are required, please contact CORENET X helpdesk and relevant agency for clarification.  

AgencyOthers (e.g., Pre-sub process/consultation, Independent)Design GatewayPiling Gateway (Optional)Construction Gateway
URAMust seek land use approval for the infra alignment prior to DG. For new roads & rail, proposed road/rail must keep within approved road reserve/railway area.
  • Buildings above and below ground e.g., ventilation buildings, MRT station boxes, entrances and associated structures.
  • Proposals that deviate from the approved land use approval.
  • Buildings above and below ground e.g., ventilation buildings, MRT station boxes, entrances and associated structures.
  • Proposals that deviate from the approved land use approval.
LTASubmission via LTA Prompt.
  • If within existing railway protection zone.
  • If works within road reserve/affected by road structure safety zone.
If within existing railway protection zone.
  • If within existing railway protection zone.
  • If works within road reserve/affected by road structure safety zone.
NParksEIA, EMMP, advanced works e.g., tree cutting/earthworks.
  • If new/affecting existing roadside trees, green verges and/or existing park/park connector/nature area/nature reserve/heritage road green buffer, etc.
  • If new/affecting existing roadside trees, green verges and/or existing park/park connector/nature area/nature reserve/heritage road green buffer, etc.
  • Access to sewers (Form B).
  • Submission via B&P Portal (POWS).
  • If new/affecting existing sewer works.
  • If new/affecting existing drainage works.
  • If new/affecting existing sewer works.
  • If new/affecting existing drainage works.
  • EIA, NIA (for projects within 70m of resi/noise sensitive developments).
  • If within 70m of residential/noise sensitive developments.
  • For any environmental health/pollution control requirements.
  • If within 70m of residential/noise sensitive developments.
  • For any environmental health/pollution control requirements.
BCAComplex structures, ERSS etc.NILIf piling works involved.For main structural works.
SCDFPerformance-based fire engineering.NILNILFor underground tunnels.

The below table serves to give an illustration of possible types of projects and corresponding agencies’ involvements and approvals required.

Note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. If clarifications are required, please contact CORENET X helpdesk and relevant agency for clarification.  

S/NType of Infra Works and Site ConditionDGPG (Optional)CGIndependent
1JTC/HDB precinct level involving new roads/drains, overhead bridge affecting green verge and treesLTA, PUB, NParksBCALTA, BCA, PUB, NParksAgency-specific requirements, e.g.: NParks tree cutting​
2LTA at-grade road construction/viaduct by LTA, affecting green verge & drains/sewers more than 1.5m deepPUB, NParksBCAPUB, BCA, NParks-
3PUB construction of drains within railway protection zone, affecting green verge, less than 1.5m depthNParks, LTA RailsLTA RailsLTA Rails, NParks-
4LTA aboveground railway viaduct affecting some existing drains & green verge/trees within 70m of residential developmentPUB, NEA, NParksBCAPUB, BCA, NEA, NParksAgency-specific requirements e.g., NEA noise assessment
5LTA cut and cover road tunnel affecting green verge requiring diversion of sewer >1.5m deepNParks, PUBBCAPUB, BCA, SCDF, NParks-
6aLTA underground rail bored tunnel/common service tunnels within road reserve affecting green verge & treesNParks-BCA, SCDF, NParksAgency-specific requirements, e.g.: Nparks tree cutting​
6bLTA underground rail bored tunnel/common service tunnels within road reserve affecting existing sewerPUB-BCA, SCDF, PUBAgency-specific requirements e.g., performance-based FE
7PUB DTSS affecting trees and existing sewerPUB, NParks-BCA, NParksAgency-specific requirements, e.g.: NParks tree cutting​