Model Setup and Coordination

Preparing Models for Submission

Each model should not exceed 800 MB, and be submitted by parts (i.e. 1 block per file). If a part model exceeds 800MB, the part model should be split into smaller files. Files compiled in zip folders are not accepted.


For huge developments that need to arrange their projects into different packages, please carry out a pre-submission consultation to seek agencies’ concurrence for the proposal.

To help all project members understand the timing and delivery of data for every CORENET X submission, it is important to define the submission preparation and delivery details in the BIM Execution Plan. For more information, please refer to the BIM Essential Guide for BIM Execution Plan here.

The Project Title, Address, QP Name & Professional Registration Number, and if applicable, Name & Professional Registration Number of Specialist QPs will be provided on the CORENET X Portal.

  • Most of the IFC parameter requirements are based on the international IFC 4 standards. A set of IFC+SG standards was developed to address specific regulatory requirements in Singapore that currently cannot be found in the international IFC standards.
  • There are also IFC+SG parameters that had been defined & standardized to incorporate the current 2D drawings information and embedded in 3D models.
  • A complete set of IFC+SG model shall consist of elements as described in this section of this COP. For example, a structural model can comprise of the following :
    • Piles
    • Footings/Pilecaps
    • Beams
    • Columns
    • Walls
    • Slabs
    • Staircases
    • Boreholes
  • Industry practitioners shall use the IFC+SG Resource Kit to convert Native BIM models into IFC+SG models and verify no data loss occurred during the exporting.
  • Details can be represented in 2D to supplement the IFC+SG model, such as:
    • Irregular pilecaps, raft foundation, slab elements, household shelter / storey shelter elements, transfer plates, precast elements, prestress elements, PPVC modules, steel connections.

  • Know the element and its category
  • What system it belongs to?
  • What are the IFC Parameters that needs to map into it?
  • To what Agency it will be submitted?




Preparing Models for Submission (Revit)

Example using Revit Configuration File

To place model into the correct location with Architectural, Civil & Structural, Mechanical & Electrical models.

Element’s properties can be assigned while Modelling.

  • To easily select the elements during IFC+SG Parameters mapping.
  • To filter the views per Agency Submission.
  • To reduce time when Exporting model in IFC format.
  • To easily navigate when Modelling and model auditing.

  • Use BIM Interoperability Tools to assign IFC parameters
  • To avoid misspelled IFC parameters (misspelled parameters will not be exported).
  • Faster than manual parameter key-in.
  • Elements will be exported into the correct IFC category.

Editing the Configuration File to Adapt In-house Company Properties





Top 3 Common Modelling Challenges and Solutions (Revit)

Accidentally spelling IFC property wrongly

 ✔ IfcTank
 ✘ IfcTanl
 ✘ ifctank

Missing data in IFC
Avoid manual typing where possible
•IFC properties cannot be exported
•Existing in-house properties not mapped properly (to wrong IFC properties), thus also can’t be exported

•Use BIM Interoperability Tool, select from drop down list
•Copy Paste the information from IFC+SG Industry Mapping (.XLS file from GovTech)

Forgetting to update IFC after changes / modifications to model
Missing data in IFC
Check Mapping
•IFC properties cannot be exported
•Existing in-house properties not mapped properly (to wrong IFC properties), thus also can’t be exported

•Redo the mapping
•Use Schedule to cross check if all elements were tagged properly.

Avoid manual typing where possible
•Use BIM Interoperability Tool, select from drop down list
•Copy Paste the information from IFC+SG Industry Mapping (.XLS file from GovTech)

Cannot export Revit linked files to a federated IFC (model with multiple link files)

MEP sub-discipline models
Missing data in IFC
•Assigned systems will be lost
•IFC properties cannot be exported
•Existing in-house properties not mapped properly (to wrong IFC properties), thus also can’t be exported

•Tag information after binding models
•Use Group Models instead of Binding
•Avoid binding if possible (i.e. export linked files one by one)

•Through CORENET X community of practice, we have feedback to Autodesk to enable export of federated IFC
•Autodesk shared that this is part of the Revit Roadmap and will be included progressively in early 2023





Preparing Models for Submission (Archicad)

Example using Archicad Configuration File 

To geo reference the project for Architectural, Civil & Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Model, refer here.

Element’s properties can be assigned while modeling. Note: some parameters can be auto-filled using expressions.

•To easily view and select the elements while modelling.
•To easily navigate while modeling and checking.
•To filter the views as per Agency Submission.

•To easily export only elements visible on the current view.

•IFC Project Manager for Model Verification before export
•Assign or edit IFC+SG Property Values.

•Create custom IFC Property, Groups (Zones, Systems)


IFC+SG Properties are already mapped in the IFC+SG Export Translator.

•Export visible elements (in all stories)
•Make sure to chose IFC+SG Translator

•Verify the IFC model in BIM Vision or Solibri Anywhere after exporting.





Top 3 Modelling Tips (Archicad)

Example using Archicad Configuration File

Updating latest IFC+SG requirements in Archicad project.
Missing data in IFC
Import latest config files
Not importing latest IFC+SG requirements (config files) into the project.

For ongoing project:

•If expressions are used in properties, make sure to export those properties definitions (xml files).
•If IFC+SG parameters are populated with values, make sure to export those element parameters (Excel export from Schedules)
•Import the config files using the  Import IFC+SG Classifications and Properties add-on.
•Import (merge) the properties xml exported in step 1.
•Import the excel schedule exported in step 2.

For new project:

•Import the config files using the  Import IFC+SG Classifications and Properties add-on.


Update IFC+SG parameter values of non geometric entities.

E.g.: IfcSite, IfcBuilding, IfcStorey

Missing data in IFC
Import latest config files
Missing values of IFC+SG Parameters of Non geometric entities.

Use IFC Project Manager to update the values of IFC+SG Parameters of spatial entities like IfcSite, IfcBuilding, IfcStorey


Update parameter values of IFC Systems, Groups, Building Systems, Distribution Systems

Missing data in IFC
Import latest config files
Missing values of IFC+SG Parameters of IFC Systems, Groups, Building Systems, Distribution Systems

Use IFC Project Manager to update the values of IFC+SG Parameters of IFC Systems, Groups, Building Systems, Distribution Systems.



Preparing Models for Submission (Tekla)

Example using Tekla Configuration File 

•To place model relative to the selected project base point using the coordinate system values.

•Element’s properties are automatically populated as measure type while modeling, no need to fill-in manually.

•Use IFC Data Extractor (Auto-Filler) Tool to assign IFC parameters

•Faster than keying in manual parameters

•To simplify the process of choosing elements while mapping IFC+SG parameters

•To streamline the process of exporting a mode in IFC format and save time

•Editing configuration file to adapt in-house properties



Top 3 Common Modelling Challenges and Solutions (Tekla)

Example using Tekla Configuration File 


Forgetting to update the definitions of user-defined attribute after modifying the objects.inp

Incorrect data in IFC
Avoid modifying the label unless necessary
•Previously set in-house properties weren’t correctly matched with the right IFC properties

•Use Diagnose & Repair to detect and repair the incorrect UDA value types

•Do not modify unless an experienced user



Forgetting to update IFC after changes / modifications to model

Missing or incorrect data in IFC
Re-Export IFC
•Previously set in-house properties weren’t correctly matched with the right IFC properties

•Load the pre-defined setting for IFC export
•Use filter when selecting an object if not meant for all objects


Forgetting to set Subtype (IFC4)


Missing or incorrect data in IFC
Check IFC Subtype (IFC4)
•Previously set in-house properties weren’t correctly matched with the right IFC properties

•Set and define the needed IFC Subtype
•Load the pre-defined types of the entity in the list of available drop-down option



Preparing Models for Submission (OpenBuildings Designer)

Example using OpenBuildings Designer Configuration File

To geo reference the project for Architectural, Civil & Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Model, refer here

Element’s properties can be assigned while Modelling.

•The IFC category of elements are automatically assigned for default elements.

•IFC4Override is to be assigned for elements with different IFC Entity.

•If necessary, default mapping of datagroup can be modified (CAD Admin level)


Edit the IFC4_PropertyMapping.set to map the properties for company or project components to reduce manual typing

Edit the IFC4_PropertyMapping.set to map the properties for company or project components to reduce manual typing.



Top 3 Common Modelling Challenges and Solutions (OpenBuildings Designer)

Example using OpenBuildings Designer Configuration File 



Unable to see IFC Psets


Missing data in IFC
Set IFC_Workset=1
•Model could export to IFC4x3 but unable to see default psets & sgpsets.

·Open the workset cfg file and set IFC_Workset=1 to see the IFC Psets & SGPsets.

For on-going projects:

·Apply a schema upgrade for on-going projects


Values of properties could not be applied


Missing data in IFC
Apply Schema Upgrade
•Able to see the SGPset properties in the model but values are empty and won’t be exported

For on-going projects:

·Apply a schema upgrade for on-going projects