Checking Levels (Z-Coordinates)

Checking Levels (Z-Coordinates)


Models should be correctly geo-referenced and assigned real-world coordinates from the Singapore SVY21 coordinate system (EPSG: 3414) for Easting and Northing (x,y), including dimensions between grids. The layout of each model shall be presented in True North or real-world orientation, and the elevation levels or Height (z) of the model shall be set up based on the Singapore Height Datum (SHD).

The Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers - Land Surveying Division has also come up with a video on geo-referencing, to explore how land surveyors and architects can work together to have more efficient workflow for future CORENET X submission.

 Basic Geo-Referencing Checks

1. Open a third-party IFC viewer and select a point to check the coordinates.

2. Compare the coordinates with the expected real-life coordinates as specified by the project team.


Advanced Troubleshooting

2. Revit and Archicad Users in the same project team with wrongly geo-referenced files:



Besides discipline-specific models, it may be necessary to divide the project into separate parts, zones and levels for better management of the model sizes, especially for larger and more complex projects. Models from all disciplines MUST adopt a coordinated set of levels and zones and name the levels and zones identically.

  • Only multi-disciplinary models with identical names and “Z” values for levels will be processed by Processing Officers in the CORENET X Collaboration Platform.
  • Check spot coordinates of platform levels in the models match inputs declared in the Submission Portal.