IFC+SG Resource Toolkit

IFC+SG Resource Toolkit

Welcome to the IFC+SG Resource Toolkit.

This resource toolkit comprises the recommended steps and materials to prepare an IFC+SG model for submission via CORENET X.


Step 1


Step 2

Please refer here to find the latest industry mapping excel file.


Step 3

Step-by-step resources on how to apply the requirements in the Industry Mapping Excel into your respective BIM software and how to export to IFC.

Please refer  here to find BIM Software Resources.

Step 4


The Quick Start Exercises will help you to verify that you understand Steps 1-3 above and double-check on your IFC model using separate IFC viewers, before you make your submission on CORENET X.


IFC Viewers
(Note that this list is not exhaustive)
S/NNameView IFC4Federation of IFC(s)Viewing of System Entities*View IfcgridSearch QueryRemarks
1BIMCollab Zoom00XX0Suitable for federation of IFC files, handle large files well
2BIMVision0Up to 2 files000Suitable for quick visualization of IFC files
3Kit Model Viewer (replacing FZK Viewer)0X**000Suitable for analysing smaller files (<200MB)
4ODA (Open Design Alliance)00X0X-
5Solibri Anywhere0X**000-
6Trimble Connect Desktop Version00000-


*System Entities include IfcBuildingSystem (ARC), IfcDistributionSystem (MEP)

IFC Binder
** To view multiple IFC files in FOC viewers that are unable to federate IFC models, the "1IFC" app, which is also FOC, could be used. This openBIM application has been specially created by Graphisoft, is based on C# and is able to bind multiple IFC files. 

1IFC User Guide


Step 5

Please visit https://code.builtsearch.com/ifcsg-validator for more info.

The earlier version of BIMLife's validator can be found here



You may also refer to Solibri Rulesets for IFC+SG Checking for materials and demo video on how to review your IFC+SG model on Solibri Office.


The BIMECO IFC+SG validator is now in Beta testing phase, please visit this link* for more info on how to use the application.

*Link is accessible on Non-Government linked laptops only


Please see attached a sample video demo and data transfer process to expedite the IFC+SG workflow. This is especially useful for C&S Engineers. Do note that the IFC+SG mapping requirements in the video may not be the latest updated version.

Industry Future Practice - Data Transfer Process (Intro)

Industry Future Practice - Data Transfer Process (Video)


Q: Why do the configuration files contain more parameters than what was stated in the Excel file?
A: The information stated in the Industry Mapping (Excel) denotes the scope of the current phase of CORENET X development.

Q: Dimensions such as Length, Width, Depth, Height are available as part of the BIM object, do I have to create them as custom parameters and input the values manually?
A: Please note that most of the dimensions will automatically be exported via the software configuration when exporting to IFC. Please ensure that the property name matches the configuration for automatic extraction. Users should refer to the respective BIM authoring tool's How-To Guide for detailed steps on how to use the configuration files.

Q: My company uses "Floor" for modelling ramps. It this acceptable for the requirements for Ramps?
A: The BIM representation columns are mainly for reference and are not to be taken as strict requirements. Users are free to use any tools or category for modelling as long as the output in IFC follows the mapping. For example, if a user decides to use Floor instead of Ramps, the users will need to perform the IFC overriding feature that is available for the respective BIM authoring tool. Please refer to the respective BIM authoring tool’s How-to Guide for the detailed steps.