3-Gateway Process

3-Gateway Process

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GGatewaysObjectivesKey Approvals

Pre-Submission, Planning and Other Consultations

To seek one or more agencies' guidance and/or waivers on a project's submission requirements before making a formal submission


    Design Gateway (DG)

    For Design Parameters

    To resolve multi-agency key parameters which have impact on design parameters and client’s brief, before proceeding to detailed design.

    • URA PP
    • LTA, NEA and PUB DC Clearances
    • NParks DC Approval


    Piling Gateway (PG)


    To resolve requirements pertaining to piling and foundation works (e.g. pile caps, raft foundation, earth retaining and stabilising structures), excluding superstructural works.

      • BCA ST Approvals for Permanent Piling Works
      • LTA RPZ AIP for Pile Design and Pile Layout Plan
      G2Construction Gateway (CG)To resolve multi-agency requirements concerning design details that need to be coordinated before commencement of main structural works and launch of Sales.
      • URA WP
      • BCA BP and ST Approvals
      • LTA Street Plan Clearance, BP (Parking), BP (Rails)
      • NEA and PUB BP Clearance Certificate
      • SCDF BP Approval


      Independent Submissions (IDP)

      *if applicable

      To clear agency-specific requirements with no cross-agency dependencies (i.e. typically affecting only one relevant agency). E.g. structural submission of ancillary structures such as barriers/ claddings to BCA

      • NParks Tree Felling Approval
      • PUB Earth Control Measures Approval

      Completion Gateway (TOP)

      Application for TOP/CSC

      To document “As-Built” plans and obtain Occupancy Permit/ Statutory Completion



      For simpler projects, please refer to the Direct Submission Process (DSP) here.


      Example of a project making regulatory submissions across CORENET X Gateways

      regulatory submission process